Procedure to Change the Memory Card Battery The battery is located beside the card�s write-protect switch on the end opposite the connector. Caution The battery power enables the memory card�s memory to retain data. You can lose the data when the battery is removed. Replace the battery while the card is installed in a powered-up instrument.
1. Locate the groove along the edge of the battery clip. See Figure l-3. 2. Gently pry the battery clip out of the card. The battery fits within this clip. 3. Replace the battery, making sure the plus (+) sign on the battery is on the same side as the plus (+) sign on the clip. 4. Insert the battery clip into the memory card, holding the clip as oriented in Figure l-3. (Face the �open� edge of the clip toward the write-protect switch on the memory card.) 5. Write the date that the battery was replaced on the memory card label. This will help you to remember when the battery should be replaced.